Help Keep Innovation Alive
Your donations directly fund development to keep ZygnalBot free for everyone.
ZygnalBot is completely free and open source for you to host yourself. I've spent countless hours developing all features, and your support helps me continue improving it!
Your support directly helps me develop new features and improvements to make your self-hosted bot even better.
Enable me to dedicate more time to improving ZygnalBot and creating comprehensive documentation for self-hosters.
If ZygnalBot has been valuable to you, your support is a wonderful way to say thanks for making it open source.
Want to support with a specific amount? Simply visit my PayPal link:
On PayPal, you can enter any amount you wish and include a personal message. Your support is sent directly as a friend-to-friend payment with no fees. Thank you for supporting my work on ZygnalBot!
Your support is greatly appreciated and helps me continue developing ZygnalBot for everyone!